This year has been a lot of things; confusing, fun, stressful, and most of all a time to learn new things. One of the things that I have learned is being more aware of other people’s health. I have now been more aware about not only keeping myself safe, but others as well; I make sure I sanitize my hands before and after leaving my home. Another thing that I have learned is how to keep myself occupied and engaged when stuck at home. Some of those things include, drawing, playing board games, playing online games, organizing, and many more! The last thing that I have learned that I will be discussing is to not judge something before you have the full information. If you have looked at the graphs for the COVID-19 cases around January 2020, you can see that the cases were not at a high amount. But as the months passed, the cases started increasing more and more. As of May 2021, there are about 33.2M cases. Many people, including myself, didn’t think the cases would progress. So that is why you shouldn’t judge something or someone before knowing full information. Overall I have learned a lot over this past year and I hope to continue to learn more!

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here is the music video of one of my favorite songs right now!

amazingyear grateful haveagoodday whatihavelearnedthisyear